Stevie Rolfe Stevie Rolfe Cattle Services Pregnancy Scanning Syncro Synchro Synchronisation A. I. Synchronised A.I. Cattle products Semen sales
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Sarah Rolfe



Stevie Rolfe



Iain MacRory

Senior Operating Technician



James Johnston

Operating Technician




Contact us


 Tel: 01501 785323


Mobile: 07850 184 313







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As Stevie wanted to provide a friendly, high quality, more personal service of Pregnancy Scanning, Freeze Branding and Synchronisation work, SR Cattle Services was founded in 2004. Stevie did the ‘on farm’ work, whilst his wife, Sarah, predominantly concentrated on the administrative side to the business.


Iain joined the family team in 2018, helping Stevie with the Freeze Branding, Nitrogen and Semen Deliveries and  helping at Synchros. 


At the end of 2021, James Johnston agreed to help the team. James will be joining Iain with Freeze Branding, Nitrogen and Semen Deliveries and  helping at Synchros. James is also currently training to carry out Pregnancy Scanning. 


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