Stevie Rolfe Stevie Rolfe Cattle Services Pregnancy Scanning Concrete Grooving Syncro Synchro Synchronisation A. I. Synchronised A.I. Cattle products Semen sales
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Pregnancy Scanning


Ultrasound pregnancy scanning is 99% accurate and not only identifies if a cow/heifer is pregnant or not but also estimates the calving date. This is of particular benefit in suckler herds and where natural service has been used on dairy cows or heifers (i.e. Bull running with the dairy cows).


Pregnancy can be confirmed from 30 days of service, or 30 days after the bulls have been withdrawn. The accurate and early confirmation of pregnancy in both beef and dairy herds is essential to ensure high levels of reproductive efficiency. Confirming empty cows/heifers is just as important as this detection can give warning of fertility problems of the individual animal, the herd or of a sub-fertile bull. In addition, pregnancy scanning of clean heifers (non-breeding or immature heifers) can avoid high costs and often welfare problems from difficult calving incurred by heifers turning out pregnant when they are not expected to be pregnant, as they are supposed to be getting fattened or are too young, a problem that is becoming increasingly seen.


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Accurate and early diagnosis of pregnancy saves time and feed costs as every day that your animal fails to be pregnancy costs losses in milk and calf revenue. In addition, knowing the expected calving date allows easier, timely observations, efficient vaccination and better feeding for stage of pregnancy to achieve the correct calving condition.


In dairy herds that are running bulls, pregnancy scanning can give expected calving dates which in turn give guide dates for drying off. If artificial Insemination is used, pregnancy scanning can confirm if the cow/heifer held to the last artificial insemination date and not a previous date which does frequently happen. The early and accurate diagnosis of pregnancy can also prevent artificial insemination of an in-calf animal through false heats.


There is no call out fee, minimum charge or hidden costs. To discuss pregnancy scanning or to book a visit from Stevie, please call Stevie on 07850184313 or 01501 785323. Alternatively email




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 Tel: 01501 785323


Mobile: 07850 184 313






